step into your worthiness revolution

step into your worthiness revolution ☆

WORTHY: 360 vip Program

For those who are feeling ready to fully step things up in life, starting with WORTHY: VIP PROGRAM is the first step to working 1:1 with me after our initial BRAVE Session.

In this day and age, it’s revolutionary to be a woman who fully embraces her Worthiness.

Look around and you can see evidence on every corner that directly contradicts this, as well as evidence that exudes the gross characterization of- how shall I say it? 

Overcompensation for not fully believing this inherent worthiness to be true.

How do you own this revolutionary act of worthiness? 

How do you walk the line of belief in your inherent worth while staying in alignment with what is true for you?

How do you move from believing that worthiness is not something you earn or have to prove, but rather is something you claim?

The irony of course being that there is no how. There is no magic spell, secret pill or healing technique that can do this for you.

Instead, it is a journey deep into the soul on what is ultimately the adventure of a lifetime. The inner journey that has the power to take you straight to the heart of the matter. 

It is this journey which we will be exploring: 

The journey of wholeness. The journey of power. The journey of worthiness.

The only question is: 

Are you ready to join me?

I believe that when we give ourselves the permission and space to fully step into our worthiness revolution, Miracles are not only possible, but inevitable.

"Revolution doesn't have to do with smashing something; 

it has to do with bringing something forth. 

If you spend all your time thinking about that which you are attacking, 

then you are negatively bound to it. 

You have to find the zeal in yourself and bring that out."

Joseph Campbell, Pathways to Bliss

There is no denying that at this time in history, we are in the midst of a Rise of the Feminine

Some have called it the last exhale of the Patriarchy.

Some have said it’s the Return of the Goddess. 

Others point out that it’s a natural evolution as society itself changes hand-in-hand with the increase in technological advances where the world is becoming more & more connected.

Some cry out it is the post-9/11 culture in which we are living- where nothing is certain anymore, anyone can become a hero {or a villain} and the drive to squeeze every-last-drop-of-life, to live each day to the fullest, has increased a thousand-fold. 

You Only Live Once- and the sentiment seems here to stay.

Some even say it’s the economics of a world shifting rapidly- where old systems of capitalism are changing and new economies are being born. 

Where the old paradigm of the male breadwinner and female who takes care of the home and kids has been virtually eradicated overnight- with a rewriting of gender roles, relationship statuses, women choosing to remain single or child-free, and a million other new choices rapidly taking place. 

Still others point out a surge in Personal Development, Self-Help and New Age Spirituality not only in small fringe pockets, but in virtually every town and community thanks to social media and women seemingly hell-bent on changing the world one person- or millions- at a time. 

I say all of this is true- and more. 

I believe there is also something even deeper arising:

A Call from the depths of the hearts of women just like you from around the world who are ready to fully claim your Worthiness. 

To step into your Wholeness. 

And to reclaim what ambition, self-worth and success mean to you.

Without apology. Without letting fear get in the way. And certainly without the belief that you are not good enough to live the life you desire to live.

Because woman- you sure as hell are good enough. More than good enough in fact- Worthy of all you desire. And a hell of a lot more that we will be exploring in the pages to come. 

All that’s needed is for you to Claim It. 

So strap on your most badass boots. 

Put on the outfit that makes you feel so fierce nothing can get in your way. 

Clasp on the necklace and earrings that make you feel like the most powerful woman in the room. 

Pour yourself a glass of your beverage of choice- a tall glass of water, a cup of tea, a nice aged scotch, a cold-press coffee, or whatever wets your whistle the most. 

And let’s get this revolution started.

Are you ready to step into your worthiness revolution in all areas of your life?

Then WORTHY is for you.

WORTHY Includes

  • Private email and text access

  • Weekly 60 Minute Coaching sessions designed to address ALL areas of life

  • Running + Fitness Programming customized to your own unique goals with direct messaging within the Training Peaks platform about your runs/ workouts (not required to use if you simply are looking for coaching sessions)

  • Structured accountability custom crafted to your needs

  • Additional Virtual Intensives can be added and other highly- customized options are available for an additional investment

  • 12 Month Option includes a full day VIP Intensive with Jen In San Diego, CA ($2,000 value)

  • 6 Month Option includes a half day Virtual Intensive ($1,000 value)


$1,500 per month or

3 Months: $4,400 | 6 Months: $9,100 | 12 Months: $17,500

BOOKING An initial SESSION is the quickest way to begin working with me. In your session we will have time to discuss if WORTHY is a good fit for you. you can then use your investment in the BRAVE session towards your enrollment investment in whatever program you choose.

Most want to get started right away so the Initial BRAVE Session is available, but if you feel more comfortable, you may also fill out my Application HERE and I will get back to you letting you know if I think we are a fit for working together.

If you have any questions prior to submitting payment for any option please email me at and I will get back to you quickly.

My special focus is on helping high-achievers feel strong & connected to your body while juggling career, family and everything else life brings {including perimenopause, midlife body changes and other health challenges}.

book your consultation

spark your worthiness revolution

spark your worthiness revolution ☆