Empowering you to come home to your body, Do Hard Things + Find your Fierce in any adventure calling you.

☆ Be brave ☆ do hard things ☆ FIND YOUR FIERCE ☆

1:1 Run Coaching

Know that you are READY for added support on your fitness journey and want a coach who understands that your running, fitness + nutrition needs to SUPPORT you in your busy life instead of add more stress or ‘things to get done’?

Then 1:1 Run Coaching is where we can begin.

1:1 Run Coaching is for those who wish to have a Running Coach who also focuses on overall Fitness and Performance in life in your back pocket. Together we work to develop a progressive training program that works for YOU given not only your goals, but taking into account everything else that you have happening in your life.

Running and fitness in general is supposed to support you in your life and help you feel stronger to tackle anything that comes your way in life, not break you down, stress you out or leave you too exhausted to show up for life.

My running philosophy is that ANY form of movement that gets you outside {ideally} and moving forward is life-changing. Movement is Medicine and we fully embrace that here.

It’s about the running, and it’s not about the running- because it is SO much more when we allow running to be the vehicle to transform us from the inside out.

I use the term running here, but really it refers to any form of forward movement: running, walking, hiking, rucking, strength training, swimming, cycling and more.

I work mostly with runners from the beginner to intermediate levels. You do not need to have a race you are currently training for to sign up for run coaching, but structured plans are available for anything from Couch to 5k (3.1 miles), 10k (6.2 miles) races, half marathons (13.1 miles), full marathons (26.2 miles), and runDisney races or Challenges including the Goofy Challenge (39.6 miles) AND the Dopey Challenge (48.6 miles).

I LOVE introducing people to the freedom that running and movement can provide, coaching intermediate runners for specific races or guiding those who used to run in the past and want to get back into it in mid-life.

From those who have never run before to run/walkers to Party Pacers to runners who have done many races and marathons.

I have been a wellness & life coach for over 10 years & a somatic therapist/ bodyworker for 5 years prior. My coaching philosophy is that movement such as running is a portal to not only physical health, but also mental & spiritual growth as well.

My coaching is all about empowerment & building confidence through running, to no longer just ‘workout’, but to train with intention.

My special focus is on helping high-achievers feel strong & connected to your body while juggling career, family and everything else life brings {including perimenopause, midlife body changes and other health challenges}.

Where I see most people struggle is knowing you need to move, but not having the tools or framework to train effectively. 

Those who work with me tend to be drawn to ALL aspects that the art of running can provide beyond the race times or paces or placing in races.

Where running is a way to transport the soul, support your mental health, be a confidence booster as a currency in your Badass Bank Account of Confidence, and a way to meet not only others out there on the road, but more of yourself and the Divine.

I believe we are ALL athletes.

Are you ready to come home to your body- and find your fierce in the process- while becoming a stronger, more resilient athlete? Then1:1 Run Coaching is for you.

1:1 Run Coaching is currently ONLY available as a Bonus in my Performance Coaching Programs and we can work together no matter where you live.

I’m known as the Secret Weapon to many successful, ambitious people and it’s your chance to add running + fitness programming to a Success + Performance Coaching program for a well-rounded, Mental + Physical Fitness experience.

All Coaching programs include:

  • 45 Minute Welcome Call to discuss your goals, history and kick-off your program

  • Running + Wellness Programming customized to your own unique goals within the FINAL SURGE training platform. You will receive customized daily workouts/ runs to do on your own that progressively build according to your goals- including any upcoming races

  • Fueling discussions- how to eat before, during and after your runs or workouts, planning for long runs, and other important individual fueling concerns can be addressed. If your goal is to lose weight or build muscle we also can incorporate that into your program.

  • Direct Messaging about your workouts within your training portal FINAL SURGE in addition to text and email access

  • Structured accountability custom crafted to your needs

  • 3 Month Minimum Commitment Required

Level 2 Includes:

  • 60 Minute 1:1 Performance Coaching Sessions with Jen is Included every month you are enrolled in either CONFIDENT or FIERCE/FIERCE VIP. The number of sessions per month is based on which program you choose to enroll in.

Level 1:

$125/ month or 3 Months $325 | 6 Months $650

Level 2:

$375/ month or 3 Months $1,000 | 6 Months $1,850

RRCA Certified Run Coach

Book a POWER Session below to start and we’ll determine the right program for your needs when we meet.

power Session

Here’s the thing Fierce One: Sometimes, we just simply don’t feel lit up and on fire with life. We could be ‘successful’ in one or severals areas of life, yet we don’t feel that passion burning to live each day out loud.

In fact we might feel the exact opposite: burnt out, fed up, anxious, depressed or itching for change but not even knowing where to start.

Sometimes it’s tough circumstances creating this feeling and sometimes, we simply need to find our FIERCE again. Good news is, there are ways to get that inner fire burning again and Light YOU up from the inside out.

Learn more by clicking the button below.


90 MINUTE session $325

Meet the Founder, Jen Blackstock:


Your Personal Fire-Starter + Stoker of many Flames

When you enter my world, be prepared to be transformed. As a triple fire sign it’s safe to say I’m quite a bit spicy + fiery, and when we meet I can’t help but meet you where you are AND light a fire under you to RISE even higher.


Worthiness + Wealth Accelerator

Your body holds an infinite amount of wisdom + Grace, and when you give yourself the space to not only connect with your body, but unlock her secrets, you can become unstoppable- creating not only more Wellness and Wealth in your life but a bone-deep knowing of your Worthiness.

Having lost over 40lbs while in perimenopause, run multiple marathons and ultras in my 40’s all while running a successful business for over 16 years, I hold the candle to the flame to show you what is possible for you and find your own unique path to get there.


running, FITNESS + ENDURANCE sidekick

I believe the portal to everything you wish to create in your life is found by coming HOME to your body. And at the end of the day, only YOU know best what you need for your own health, longevity + wellness.

The trick is, most of us never learned how to find our own answers and even more importantly, how to create the pathways of commitment to follow what our body needs.

I have been a Life + Business Coach for over a decade focusing on custom 1:1 support for hundreds of clients. In addition, I hold certifications in run coaching from RRCA, massage from Esalen, yoga + yoga therapy having studied extensively with Ana Forrest and Shiva Rea, Visionary CranioSacral Therapy and many more body-based modalities, plus my deep obsession with the transformative power of endurance running and racing, my goal is to help you find YOUR answers to what your body most needs to thrive, create a plan that fits into your life + lifestyle, meet all of your resistance with Grace + Courage, and help cheer you on to bring your plan of action to life.

Finding Fierce Podcast Host Jen Blackstock



Browse my Services

Coaching looks different for everyone. Explore the options above or if you have any questions, shoot me an email I’ll get back to you within 24 hours.


Book your first Session

Most clients begin with the 90 Minute POWER Session where we have the chance to get to know each other right away.


Decide your level of Adventure

Already know what Path you’d like to take and get started right away? If this is you, click below to complete your enrollment by paying for your program and I will send your Welcome Packet within 24 hours.



Years as an entrepreneur


Years of Coaching Experience


Private 1:1 Clients Served

I totally get that sometimes it feels way easier to just keep going, wishing and hoping that things will change or that this new thing will be the answer to your prayers…

After all…

• You could keep hustling and working overtime, ignoring your intuition and body that keeps screaming at you that you need someone in your back pocket to support you as you up-level and grow.

• Or you could say all the prayers, do all the manifestation work you can or keep dreaming of someone or something to come save you from the circumstances you are facing.

• But no one is coming to save us. No one is going to tell you when you’ve done too much or pushed too hard or gone too far. Because Fierce One- most of the time we need to be our own Hero. And every hero or heroine needs a side-kick to help them become the Fiercest they can be.

Success Coach Midlife Woman

LOVE notes

Jen can peel through layers of confusion and stress on the surface and get to the root of the problem very quickly. I cannot count how many times when I got on the call with her I was in true crisis/panic mode and after just an hour I would get this incredible sense of calm and clarity. She’s been an instrumental force in shaping how I approach my personal relationships and career today.

- Zhendi, Hedge Fund Manager


  • The majority of sessions are held via phone call, though if you prefer to meet via FaceTime or Zoom I am happy to do so.

    Because of the nature of my schedule, I ask that you arrive to your session on time as best you can and please note that if you are late, your sessions may be shortened if I can not accommodate going over time based on my next call.

  • At this time, in-person sessions in Carlsbad, CA are only available on a very limited basis. I find that the ability to have your session in your own environment and space, without driving or rushing to get here on time, creates a more grounded space for our sessions to take place.

    Please note this does not apply to In-Person VIP Intensive Days, which are available as an add-on once enrolled in a program.

  • Sessions are 60 minutes in length, though I block my time in a way that allows us up to 10 minutes additional if we are in the heat of a discussion and need it.

  • Every program includes access to me via email, in some cases also a private Telegram chat and when necessary creating a shared Google document to keep track of large notes/ patterns or if we are working on your business.

    While I am very available, I do ask for 24 hours to respond to all texts and emails during the week and respect that I take weekends off.

    I occasionally take vacations and technology breaks which will be clearly communicated to you beforehand.

  • Please also note that there are No Refunds on any program. Choosing to work with Jen is that- a choice- and you will get back what you yourself put in towards your own growth and healing.

    I have read the above information and know that if I choose to enroll in any program with Jen Blackstock, work with her, or attend her Workshops, I take full responsibility for any life changing effects or consequences that this may or may not have. I also understand that for this work to work, I will do my part in all of the homework, exercises and other tools that Jen suggests during a program and take 100% responsibility for doing so as part of this process.

  • Life happens! Sometimes we try hard to stay on a schedule, but some months we may miss a session, you or I might be traveling, or things might just happen to prevent staying on the ‘schedule’.

    When this happens, I normally extend the length of time of the program to ensure you receive the number of sessions you enrolled in. The only exception is if missing sessions is a pattern or is abused over time. Such circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and discussed between us to decide the best course of action.