The roar of yes

🌟Sometimes even when we have our clear Why + feel that F*CK YES in our bones when we commit to something, the challenge in The Things can feel insurmountable.

And we very well will NOT want to do them 🌟

Even when we really want the end result.

Even when we KNOW we can do it.

Even when we’ve faced our fears + made peace with the dragons in our hearts + walked through the fires oh so many times.

Sometimes- let’s be real here- OFTENTIMES the daily grind + the grit can get exhausting, confronting + downright frustrating.

To be mired in all the how’s, doing the grunt work, taking all the steps that get none of the glory. And certainly come with no guarantees of how this will turn out.

It’s in these moments when we are forged in the fire 🔥

When we keep saying Yes even when so much points to maybe we should switch it to a No.

When we maybe toe the line or release The Thing out into the world and it doesn’t go as we planned.

Especially when it would be oh-so-much easier to pack our bags, jump off the internet, pull the project down, drop out of the race, break the contract or a million versions of turning our backs on what it is we truly want.

Truly need.

Truly deserve.

Because ✨The Success✨ you’ve been visioning for yourself and you’ve maybe already said Yes to or maybe you keep dancing around but for sure you can’t stop thinking about it…

You deserve it.

You CAN thrive in it too.

And remembering THIS- that you are worthy of bringing your visions to life?

THAT is what pulls us through to the other side when All.The.Things. try to stand in our way.

Including our own damn excuses ⚡️

It’s that grit that comes while sometimes bearing our teeth in a ROAR of ‘I’ve got this’ with whatever comes our way, that might just be one of the most epic things we can do for ourselves ⚡️

What are you working on right now that feels like a big yes AND feels a little impossible right now?

This could be your time to find- or deepen- your roar Fierce Ones- and you are certainly not alone 🔥


The Return


The Hope Muscle